Welcome to Our Store

Our Mission

Mission Statement

To help animals live longer, more joyful lives, by engaging them in play and supporting oncology research.

Plan of Action

Your purchase helps support organizations caring for our beloved animal friends. Each quarter, we select an organization committed to research, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer in animals and donate 5% of the proceeds of our sales.


We're pleased to announce our first donation has been made on Jan. 1, 2024 to Animal Cancer Foundation. The donation was made on behalf of Jonas' Joy, in Jonas' memory and for all the pets we've lost to cancer.

Our 2024 Q1 donation was made to the Morris Animal Foundation.

Our 2024 Q2 donation was made to Animal Cancer Foundation.

Some Resources

If you'd like to learn more about animal cancer research, or would like make a personal donation, here are a few links to organizations that help support the animal oncology community, and help fund cancer research, diagnosis, and treatments.

Veterinary Cancer Society

Animal Cancer Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

UCDavis Veterinary Medicine